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College of Engineering

College of Engineering

Dean S. Hossein Cheraghi

Assistant Dean Richard Grabiec Jr.

The College of Engineering has been preparing students for successful engineering careers for over 60 years. Over that time we have been guided by an operating philosophy that acknowledges that our graduates will play significant roles fundamental to the health of our nation and of our globe. Throughout their careers they and their professional colleagues will advance the technological basis of our nation’s economic health, defend our nation, and our way of life with the products of our craft; provide for the improved health and welfare of our citizenry; and improve the quality of life for all humankind—as the engineering profession has always been charged to do. Our graduates assume serious obligations upon beginning their careers.

The faculty is committed to seeing students succeed, with overall excellence in the teaching/learning enterprise being the primary goal. It is the faculty of the College of Engineering that is primarily responsible for developing and maintaining the environment supportive of learning for each student and for encouraging each student to reach for and achieve the highest goals possible.

The Mission of the College of Engineering

The College of Engineering’s mission is to provide undergraduate and graduate students an outstanding education in engineering through an environment of individual attention and support, dedicated and qualified faculty who are recognized in their fields, and modern facilities. Our graduates will possess the education and learning skills that enable them to put theory into practice, be professionally responsible engineers, and be leaders within the global community.

The Vision of the College of Engineering

The College of Engineering will be recognized as a premier engineering institution with an emphasis on a contemporary undergraduate education, preferred by undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, prospective employers, and graduate schools nationally and internationally.

The Core Values of the College of Engineering

We support the core beliefs of Western New England University and in particular we value:

  • Student Centered Learning: Promoting a learning environment based on a student-first approach to ensure the success of our students.

  • Discovery: Contributing to the research, development, dissemination, and application of engineering knowledge, integrating theory, and practice

  • Holistic Engineering and Leadership: Providing an active learning pedagogy integrating knowledge across disciplines to cultivate leadership and decision making in solving complex problems to better serve humanity

  • Responsibility: Demonstrating integrity and accountability in all of our dealings

  • Ethics and Professionalism: Leading by actions characterized by ethics and professionalism

  • Teamwork: Providing pedagogy and opportunity for the development of successful teaming skills

  • Community: Being an active and collaborative part of Western New England University and the local, national, and global community

  • Diversity and Internationalism: Respecting the diversity of humankind, including but not limited to cultural, gender, and nationality differences

  • Continuous Improvement: Demonstrating successful continuous improvement processes of our College and its programs

Programs of Study

The College of Engineering offers curricula leading to a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree with majors in biomedical, civil, computer, electrical, industrial, and mechanical engineering and to a Bachelor of Science degree in construction management.

The undergraduate engineering degree programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission(s) of ABET,

The faculty realizes the typical tentativeness with which an entering first-year student declares a major upon entry. Accordingly, all of the curricula share a common set of courses during the first two semesters of study. Students utilize this time to explore potential career directions and make informed decisions, declaring a degree objective before beginning their second-year studies.

All curricula are based on mathematics and the basic sciences coupled with engineering sciences, with specialization beginning in the second year. Each program is structured to build upon preceding coursework, with successively more challenging courses, culminating with a capstone design experience during the fourth year. Each program is intended to prepare students for either entry into professional practice or advanced formal studies. With 40% of required coursework taught by faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences, each program also integrates liberal and professional learning to provide the balance needed by modern engineering practitioners.

The College of Engineering believes that engineering as a discipline is better learned than taught, and that much of the maturing of students into engineers comes through personal hands-on experiences acquired in laboratory, project, and formal internships at industry sites throughout the Northeast. Through these avenues modern practice plays vital roles in the student’s education. Senior projects are very often suggested by, and sometimes conducted in association with, the technical community. The programs are quite flexible in arranging for joint industry-student efforts and in accommodating the needs of full-time and part-time students. In addition, undergraduate research projects are arranged by the faculty of the College of Engineering.

While undergraduate courses are occasionally offered in the evenings, it is not possible to complete an entire degree program in the evening.

Transfer Agreements

Recognizing the important role of community colleges in the overall system of higher education and of cooperation among four-year colleges and universities with different emphases, the College of Engineering is making every effort to coordinate its programs with those of other institutions offering programs, such as engineering science, that provide the first two years of engineering study.

To date, joint admission agreements and/or transfer advising guides have been developed with the following community colleges: Greenfield, Holyoke, Berkshire, Hudson Valley, Manchester Technical, Quinsigimond, Asnuntuck, and Springfield Technical. Other agreements are being developed.

Admission to the College of Engineering 

The admission to any undergraduate program in the College of Engineering at Western New England University is based on the undergraduate admission criteria for the College. A student is admitted directly into a major only if all College of Engineering admission criteria are met. 

Engineering Major 

Incoming students who meet all admission criteria will be admitted into one of the College's majors.  A student who meets the requirements for entering into a major within the College of Engineering, but is unsure of which major to pursue, may be admitted as an undeclared (ENGR) engineering student. A common curriculum for the first two semesters is provided for all engineering majors. Since the actual time required for completion of the curriculum will depend on the individual student’s ability and prior preparation, personal consultations with engineering faculty advisors permit students to participate in both the determination of their current status and the planning and scheduling of further coursework.